Intergroup Committees


Service work is a wonderful way to stay sober and pay back what has been given so freely to you. Please contact the individual committees below if you are interested in doing service work.

Archives Committee

The mission of the Colorado Springs Area Intergroup Archives Committee is to collect, preserve, and protect a variety of original material containing information of permanent historical value relating to the history of Colorado Springs A.A.

Types of archival materials are:

  • Colorado Springs area meeting schedules
  • Colorado Springs area group flyers, audio tapes, and records
  • Big Books belonging to Colorado Springs longtimers
  • Recovery pamphlets

All materials are cared for to the best of our ability.  If you are considering a donation of archival materials, we would be happy to explain how we store and protect the items.

If you have an interest in A.A. history and have some spare time to help, please contact us.

Nightwatch meetings:


“I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.” © by the A.A. Grapevine, Inc.

Based on the declaration of the principle above, Nightwatch is a group of A.A. volunteers who take calls for the Service Office when it is closed and ensure that the hand of A.A. is there 24×7. If you are a Nightwatch volunteer, you can request that the following documents be sent to you:

  • Nightwatch Schedule
  • How Nightwatch Works and Support Phone Numbers
  • Men’s 12-step List
  • Women’s 12-step List

Please use this button to contact us. Please specify either an email address, a physical street or PO Box address. No fax numbers please.

Pint Committee

The Pikes Peak Pint is a monthly newsletter by and for the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous and serves the Pikes Peak region. It is published under the auspices of the Colorado Springs Area Intergroup. The editorial policy of this newsletter is guided by the spirit of the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Items submitted for publication may be edited for clarity, content, and appropriateness. A.A. related items may be published as they relate to the fellowship as a whole and to the extent that they are consistent with our primary purpose.

Programs Committee

The Programs Committee is responsible for planning and coordinating the AA community events each year.

Those events generally include the Longtimer’s Dinner, which honors our members who have 18 or more years of continuous sobriety; the Founders Day Picnic, in honor of the Founders of AA, Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob; and our biggest event of the year, the Alcothon.  It is held on New Year’s Eve and continues through New Year’s Day, giving our community a sober place to celebrate.

The Programs Committee promotes Unity in our AA community.  It also provides for and promotes Service.  Without these two essential components of our three legacies, the third component, Recovery, is often times unsuccessful.

The Committee is ALWAYS in need of individuals or groups who are willing to step up in Service and help with the events.

If you have input, suggestions or want to volunteer, please contact us.

Volunteer Committee

Volunteers provide assistance at the Area Service Office.  They are supervised by the Service Office Manager.  Training for volunteer positions is provided by the Manager and the Volunteer Coordinator.

Hours and days of service are arranged between the volunteer and the Office Manager.  Volunteer service is performed during regular office hours.

Tuesday through Saturday

10 am – 12 pm

12 pm – 2 pm

Volunteers may work in any capacity needed, from helping with mailings and filing, to other office work.  Probably the biggest volunteer job is assisting the Office Manager in answering the telephone.

Many calls come in to the office from the general public, from alcoholics, and from concerned families and friends of alcoholics, seeking help and information.

Typical information needed includes: meeting schedules and directions, contact with a sober alcoholic for help with getting sober, questions on resources such as literature, and questions about upcoming events.

Volunteer work at the Area Service Office is a great way to be involved in A.A., and to give back with some time and energy!  You can carry the message through this vital work, and reap the rewards for yourself as well!

To become a volunteer, contact the Office Manager by leaving a message at (719) 573-5020 or by using this form.

Web Committee and Website Information

The website is a source of information for the public and the local A.A. community. This information includes but not limited to meeting schedules, A.A. events, contact with the Service Committees and links to other A.A. websites.

The website is maintained by a third party. For technical assistance or problems with the website, please contact the webmaster.

Content Guidelines

  • We do not have links going out of the site except to A.A. websites or to sites authorized by the G.S.O.
  • General content is decided upon by our Intergroup Board of Directors
  • The site will post only local Intergroup activities, local District 7 activities, local Area 10 activities and information on the State and International A.A. Convention
  • The site is paid for by local A.A. contributions
  • We give copyright credit when due
  • We do not post information referring to non-alcohol related recovery groups

Privacy Policy

In keeping with our Twelfth Tradition, this site retains no individual, personal information whatsoever about its visitors. “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities”,

More information is found in the G.S.O Service Material on Anonymity Online and the FAQ on AA Websites [links go to PDF files hosted at]