- A local A.A. service office,
- a way to facilitate partnerships among community groups,
- a hub for functions common to all groups,
- supported and maintained by local groups through volunteer labor and contributions.
- Answers inquiries from those seeking help, such as suffering alcoholics, sober alcoholics, meetings, groups, professionals, and the general public,
- Receives, arranges and follows up on Twelve Step calls,
- Publishes local AA meeting lists,
- Maintains a website listing local meetings and other pertinent information,
- Communicates by Newsletter,
- Acts as an information exchange for local Groups, Areas and Committees,
- Cooperates closely with GSO and local General Service Area Committee,
- Orders, sells and distributes A.A. Conference-approved literature.
- Volunteer to speak by phone with alcoholics who have a desire to get sober,
- Serve as an Intergroup Representative for your group at the monthly business meetings,
- Work in one of the Intergroup Committees: Public Information, Newsletter, Programs, etc.,
- Contribute financially. Through Seventh Tradition donations, Groups and individual members demonstrate gratitude for sobriety and willingness to share with the alcoholic who still suffers,
- When you want AA related literature, tapes, CDs, or medallions, buy them at the Area Service Office. The prices are the lowest available anywhere, and the revenue goes to benefit AA, your local Intergroup, and the Service office.
- Visit the service office, introduce yourself, have a cup of coffee and chat with the phone volunteer or staff member,
- Use the navigation menus at the top of the page for further information on Committees, Special Events, and other Volunteer Opportunities,
- Contact the Service Office for our literature price list.

We’d love To Meet You In Person Or Via The Web!
Main Office: 1353 S. 8th Street, Suite 209
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
Phone: 1.719.573.5020